Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I feel love in my the blood within sustains me...I know of so much beauty, light, grace, mercy, blessings, which are bestowed upon me every moment of every days...thoughts are for paupers of the poor in mind...I am more wise when I have no thoughts...wisdom is knowing...Love is knowing...and I know him so well that I hold fast to this knowing...even though he is not yet here- he is because I love him.


  1. Wow I Love it. This is Robert Again, ur Love runs deep as oceans. mines is like like space,mysterious yet never ends,Has no how you worded this!!

  2. Thank you, what Robert are you? Sorry I know a few :)

  3. It's fine,ok.....I was friends with Sylvia and amber who also went to our school.I seen u once a while ago when u worked at the mall...I forgot what mall.I also talked to you in your brother a couple years back when you went to Michelles were with ur brother.I Remember in High school you Dated some white skater Guy....Haha. so u know me its just been a while:) the way I listened to "Trouble" by Ray montagne I believe his name is. I loved it....felt it was me singing!

  4. I love this small world. Well I am sure when I see your face again one day I will remember! Yup, I worked at the mall for a good minute. Amber and Sylvia- my darlings, and yes I was with Aaron- he and I are still good friends. I am happy you dug Ray LaMontagne as much as I do- so soulful. You sing too?

  5. I sing yes.....Good, well that's another story haha. I know that your brother is a dancer .tell him to keep up the Good work. I went and Read up on that Guy Nikola telsa I believe..and I must say very interesting! I love to learn about thank you:) It's Crazy Because when I heard Ray I Felt my Soul was listening. I love all u have spoken...I enjoy ur souls language!!

  6. I would love to share one of my Newest Poems with you, I want your Oppinion on it.....its a bit sad but from the core of my heart. If your Interested!!!

  7. Please do share! Do you have any of your music online so I can listen?:)

  8. I'm still working on Music...when I'm done I'm Gonna show you! Heres my poem.

  9. To The One Rare Love

    I see you in My Dreams, I Wish it could Last Longer and every time I Think of you my love grows stronger. I can Feel you on my skin I can feel you in the wind and thow your not here I try to Pretend. I Sometimes Imagine my shadow is You so I know you are Near,I'm afraid of being hurt but with You I have no Fear.I know Ill survive waiting for you to Arrive and Ill put my head on ur chest and hear your Heart Beat to know that I'm alive! I cry Because I miss You I feel so broken, Your soul visits me at night so I sleep with one eye open.Even Though you never met me I wonder if your missing me Because when I touch you in my dreams i feel Electricity. I talk to myself pretending that you are near me and when I my heart speaks I hope that you hear me.Your Beautiful,Your Radiant Your The Reason I Breath,one day ill Find you Untill then I can't Leave. They say we are made out of stars so I guess we need space but this is a rare love so her lips I can taste and every second I see Her Face.Visions of you Daily can Drive A Man Crazy when I cry I see your face in my tear Drops the day u Dont Exist is the day my Hear Drops. The Moon Comforts me at night and Sais she's looking at the same moon as you,Thats why I shine so Bright.Dear God I love You,Forgive Me for my Sins But the Day I meet My Love is The Day My Life Begins. I love you With A Passion That you Won't find Again in this Life Time untill we Meet I Can't wait to go To Sleep In The Night Time. -Robert Harper

  10. I Apologize for any misspelled Evo Phone sometimes Does That. Thank you For reading...It's Truely How I feel!

  11. I'm Going To Tell You Something Because theres no telling when faite will join us again. I'm Nervous saying This but I want you To Know.About 1 Month Ago I had Incredible Dream Where I Was in A park at Night sitting on a Bench.There were People EveryWhere and out of know where in the Middle of the Crowd I See your Beautiful Face.At that moment Time Stopped and Every Thing around Me stopped moving.I Felt this Magnetic Force Filled With Enchantment and Fascination. I thought to myself "MasterPiece" and You Rapidly Walked to Me and said "Hello Robert" my heart rate Increased an in Instance because of the Feeling Generated. I Said Hello Back and woke up.I Felt Revitalized by your charm I absorbed.I asked god why Someone I haven't seen in about 4 Years suddenly Appeared in my Dream.I Believe God Keeps telling Me To Analyze the experience. You Have stayed on my mind For 2 weeks Straight untill I happend To Run into You On Here.we Have not seen eachother alot or in a while. I feel god wanted me to find you...I Dont know the Purpose...Either Way I'm glad I Can Get that off my Chest and share this dream with you- Robert.

    Ps.I won't Bother You no longer,your Probably a busy Person I can tell from you post that your mind is always wanting to explore and learn new thingss about life.Thank you!!

  12. That is so interesting. .. I look up my dreams on I love analyzing my dreams for their meanings. And your poem is beautiful...a bit confusing but lovely all the same. Glad you ran into me on here. Blessings until the next time!

  13. My Poem is Pretty simple but I have a lot that are is say a bit more Deep and Complex,But thank you For Reading! After I Had That Dream,My mind and Heart wouldnt let me Rest(I know it sounds Crazy) Then when I Ran Into you on Here I Felt God wanted me Too.
    It Took Me a minute to tell you Because I Didnt want you to Look at me Like. A Weirdo...But Honesty is Best!
    I'm Gonna Look that Dream up to see the Meaning,And No Disrespect to ur Partner if you Have one!

    PS. Id Love To Read Somemore Of your work/Poems If Ever You Wana Share. I Truly Enjoy it when I'm not writing or studying Myself Bella...God Bless You!!
