Friday, August 28, 2009

Creativity in Sleeplessness

This is what happens when I knock out at 10pm....I'm up at 4:45am.  This can be a good thing I am sure of it.  Well I've actually been up for awhile now and was attempting to slumber once again; however, in this plight I've had a sea of poetry flowing from pen to paper.  Here is one:

I am of spirit
heart and soul
this is true
I am of body
for this time
flesh and blood
this is also true

Good Morning World!  Hello Sunshine....almost.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Serenity in Solitude

This weekend has been a blessing indeed.  From my everyday continual interaction with folks- the peaceful days spent with a selected few that I've chosen over Vegas- regroup, rest, and rally all parts of myself- to offer a better me to the world upon my return.  

I've come to realize that the time spent at the park with my puppies- reading a fabulous book, Linda Goodman's Star Signs by Linda Goodman, has been as enlightening as ever and is priceless.  

For many reasons- one of which is my new found awareness of how animal sounds(dogs barking, flies buzzing, birds chirping, lions roaring, etc.)  balance the energy of the Earth, while I heard a lovely bird's song which sounded much like a stick of some sort being rubbed along an old rolling washboard....and a hollow echo within that.   I couldn't see the bird but saw it's figure at the top of the probably 100 foot tree foliage.  

I Love Nature.