Sunday, May 31, 2015

St. Francis, Follow Your Heart

Tonight, this is one of the cards that I pulled.  Very appropriate for me right now.  Particularly the last part, where my friends or family may not understand my spiritual path, but in fact it is I who question my spiritual path.  However, because of what I know, I know that I have the honor I of being of service for others to learn how.  Here it goes!  Namaste ALL day world!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Worth, love, care, of the self

Being decisive has often been my challenge.  I am a Gemini and ninety percent to always, I consider every angle, every side, mind frames, consequences positive and negative.  Hence, once I do make a decision it is one I am quite proud of and other times, I wish I would have made it sooner.  Pausing is positive and then there comes a time to take action.  It helps when I visualize my decision and see how my body feels as a result.  This more often nudges me to a choice conscientiously swifter.  Time to do that more often.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A prayer for those in need

Tonight I am saying a prayer for anyone that needs one.  If you seek to be comforted may you be held.  If your heart needs mending may you be made whole.  If your mind needs peace may the comfort of silence be within you.  And if for even a moments time sanctuary be your restoration let your soul receive it from the highest light and the path be made. Whatever Great Spirit you pray to, speak to, or connect to be with you now & always.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Hello World!

How one foot step in front of the other can catapult into such magical change is amazing! I am finding that each step I take to solidify my dreams is me laying a single brick to build my foundation. Time for a marathon now!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Keep at it

It is those days when I could almost feel off my path, that I am reminded that indeed I am on my right path. By various others on it. I am exactly where I am meant to be. I said exactly the opposite over lunch with friends today. And just like that it was released to the universe and back to me on wings with the answer that I . You are important...everyone is. Everyone

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sometimes this, sometimes that

Sometimes things will be easy, sometimes things will be difficult, sometimes things will be joyous, sometimes things will be sad.  Sometimes things will make sense and sometimes they will make no sense.  A part of me wishes to know the end result I can see if I need to change anything to make the end result more to my liking.  Some of the most delicious things are from the roads I would have never in the right mind traveled.  Does any of it ever make any sense.  Maybe sometimes it does, but right now it doesn't feel like it.

There are so many blissful things occurring in my life right now.  I came here to ride the river.  Sometimes the river will be gentle, sometimes the river will be rough.

I can really say right now in this is all worth it.  Every single beautiful and not so beautiful sometimes.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tea makes everything better

As my To Enjoy list mounts. It is time for me to take a breather from the work of the day, my vacation day to be precise. The renovations are almost done and I can put my belongings and life together again. I have had opportunities throughout my life to appreciate the beauty of having a sacred space to lay my head to rest. Now is another one of those times.

I am the kind of person who needs lots of mini breaks to gather myself and refocus. It is easy to day dream on a beautiful day like today and listen to the birds singing, cuddle with my dogs that need a bath today when I am done inside, and realize it is lunch time. Oh to be human. Now is one of those times and hey it is my staycation as my lovely co-worker coined it.