Saturday, October 24, 2009


I feel the new skin that I am in and the continuous cellular regeneration- it feels reeeeaaally good.  Very new, very lovely.  Quite a many happenings have occurred in my waking life this week and I must say that- years ago events as such were taken on by me very intensely and processing them...well wasn't my cup of tea then.  

Well life has taught me many things and I've learned many valuable lessons in it.  I can whole heartedly say that EVERYTHING, every single event, trial, tribulation, happiness, sadness, joy, fear, smile, tear, frown, hardship, sorrow, love, and loss, etc., that I've experienced and felt in all of my lives- has brought me to this point.  NIRVANA...peace within and without....balance.  I wish I could describe it.  It cannot be explained- it's more than a feeling.  It's my new and ever evolving state of now being.  Your will for me Lord and the Power to carry it out...I must say is the most miraculous, phenomenal self-fulfilling prayer, I could ever pray.

I KNOW the miracles of each moment and blessings each second carries.  Every molecule, every ingredient to LIFE is sacred.  I seem to go on and on because I attempt to envelope this unevelopeable everything.  This moment, this NOW is ALL time and so SACRED and beautiful I am beside myself- in one being tired and awe.  

Thank You 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Tonight is one of the first nights and days in a long where I have really done A LOT for me.  My mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self.  On any given day I will usually address at least one of these facets to myself.  Today and here forth I am doing my best to make a conscious effort to do this every waking day.  I must say it feels really good.  

I am able to see where I begin and end- to take care of my personal bubble in this universe.  There are parts of my bubble that could use some repairs, dusting, and shining...but there are also parts that shine and help me to trust.  Willingness has been my key to happiness doors lately and I've been taking what works keeping that and letting go of the things that don't anymore.  

Warm and fuzzies do come when I am an instrument in being of service to the world, while nourishing my soul simultaneously. 

What it all boils down to is...BALANCE:D

May you know of the peace that comes with this too.

Vaya Con Dios,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Delving into the deepest parts of open open up, to see, to feel. Take a look at the rawness of the substance- unrefined. Cleaving at my core like a piece of wood.

Is an uncut diamond more beautiful than a cut diamond? I believe it to be so. Doing the things I don't want to do- to be able to be more and do more of what I do. A smoother road to speak of more than walk upon.

It is these circles in time which dive into the best ones, when all I wish to do is dream the day away and wake up to a rainbow with a symphony. Happiness and flying with the birds is in my hands- I know my dreams know their own fruition, which is why I dream along just the same- just the same. Each seed knows a nectar more and more sweet.

For now the dirt of the Earth is beautiful just the same. The water of the dreams. My heart is the hole waiting for it to take root.