Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blessings and Time

There is a blessing in every second of time.  Even in my tears and sadness- I have the ability to experience it- the blessing to.  As hard as it can be to let it flow- some of my best poetry arises from it.  Maybe my simple purpose it to share it, that others may know that another has felt this panging of emotions. Well either way I feel the inkling to share it with the world one day soon.  When this semester is over I will begin to compile my poetry from over the years since I've begun writing and once I am done self publish it. 

Spanning over 11 years of my life- I began when I was 13 years old.  Even I am interested to see my own evolution.  Although people may say what they will of any of my works good or bad- it is from where I was at for that time and it aided me in getting through it: whether it was love, depression, heartbreak, anger, resentment, gratitude, friendship, whatever- it is me.  And I've kept each one for the most part and have always dated it.  I look forward to the process of compiling it.

My living situation is soo thankfully balancing out and with it so is my head, my heart, and life.  It's been a very peaceful past couple of days- in one not having any money to go anywhere- not even gas money- but very gratefully I do have the days off which takes away the need for me to borrow money for gas and my bills are paid.  "First Things First"  and I've been able to be here at home and meditate, get my room and home together, finally take out all of my belongings from storage, throw away trash, and donate a box of things to charity.  And be here for my family when they need me and to simply enjoy them as they wonderfully are.  Simply laying on one another's beds and sharing our hearts with one another.  It's so peaceful and natural it's odd, yet it nourishes my soul and being in so many ways.  

I don't know what the future holds for many things...there are some things which I did, but those outcomes can change at any given moment.  I suppose all that matters is I continue on.."one foot in front of the other"  and follow my intuition...which is silent most of the time.  Nature, how I dream of escaping to you.

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