Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sky and Sea

There will be a time when I will fly above the skies amongst the clouds and birds.  I will feel the crisp air upon my cheek and taste it in my mouth, feel it in my nostrils and eyeballs.  I will be new- just like in my dreams.  Except I'll be able to fly for longer periods of time and when I wake up I'll still be in the air.  Maybe when I go to sleep I'll dream of the land.

There will be a time just the same when I will swim beneath the deepest depths of the sea.  Except it will be as bright as day below- not like oceanographers think today.  I don't know how it'll work whether I will breathe in the water water and filter it through my lungs or something or breathe from within but that is irrelevent.  The important part is I will swim with the fish and even the sharks will be my friends. 

Hmmmm....good idea.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I woke up today with a deep sense of gratitude where that well within was before and it is so solid and strong.  I feel very happy about this.  I feel very grateful to have people who care in my life, people who listen to my heart through my words whether I am happy, sad, or in between.

I had a dream this morning with an ostrich and a llama, they were playing and I climbed up a tree.  The ostrich was very cute.  Llama kind of disappeared.  Here is what the dream dictionary said it means


To see a llama in your dream, represents deep trust, strength and endurance. It may also mean that you are worrying too much and carrying too many problems.


To see an ostrich in your dream, suggests that you are not facing reality and living in a world of your own. You may be in denial or unwilling to accept a situation. Alternatively, the ostrich can symbolize truth and justice.

To dream that you are climbing a tree, signifies that you will achieve your career goals and reach those high places in society.  The degree of difficulty to which you climb the tree will measure the speed of your achievement of these goals.

Yeah, I'd say it's the positive parts of each:)  Thank you dream weaver!!!!!!

:D Joy is now mine because I choose for it to be so

It's time to walk the path, it's time to smile:  My mom sent this to me and I found it inspiring.

Taking the time to share these with you because You already are a fantastic person. xoxo Sonja

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Too often we are scared.Scared of what we might not be able to do.

Scared of what people might think if we tried.
We let our fears stand in the way of our hopes.
We say no when we want to say yes.
We sit quietly when we want to scream.
And we shout with the others,
when we should keep our mouths shut.
After all,
we do only go around once.
There's really no time to be afraid.
So stop.
Try something you've never tried.
Risk it.
Enter a triathlon.
Write a letter to the editor.
Demand a raise.
Call winners at the toughest court.
Throw away your television.
Bicycle across the United States.
Try bobsledding.
Try anything.
Speak out against the designated hitter.
Travel to a country where you don't speak the language.
Patent something.
Call her.
You have nothing to lose
and everything 
everything to gain.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

7 days

I wish in parts to fall asleep beneath a tree and sleep and sleep and sleep until I no longer feel the need to any longer.  I cry in this yearning of lack of connection to that which I love and have no power or control over none other but to let it go.  This is all I have.  This yearning, this hunger, this aching, this longing, this running to a well within I somehow for some reason cannot reach.  I'm searching for an inspiration but inspiration is- it cannot be found.

So I will fast until it comes- I've decided.  I don't know what type of fast I am to do but right now I feel like fasting on water.  I've never done this and I know that it can be dangerous but for some reason I know I can do it.  Maybe it will be for a day maybe more, maybe longer but as long as I need to do it, as long as I can, I will.  Something is telling me one week.  7 days starting tomorrow.  

This past week I've had little motivation to do much- even though I know I've done this and still is like a hollow within me.  So I will match my insides with my out to fast and be within as I am hopes of altering my above my physical existence to a new awareness.  Miracles always seem to occur when I do this- fast.  I look forward to the new day.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


You are the beauty in a second.  a blade of grass in a field.  a leaf upon a tree of plenty.  a grain of sand upon the oceanside.  a salt in the sea.  

For these seconds create hours which create days which create months to years to decades to centuries to eons

for these blades of grass create patches which create knolls which create pastures to fields to forests and jungles alike

and a leaf upon a leaf to a branch to a tree to a glade to a forest of wild life that it sustains

grain upon grain to build a sand castle upon the beach for which the the vast ocean may sit upon and say hello to the land of people who were not made to breathe under water

salt for salt what would the ocean be but a river without a salt upon a salt.

to me you are a second, a blade of grass, a leaf, a grain of sand, a salt in the sea.

What I would be without a breathe upon a breathe and all of the like.

Racquel Tristan

....this is my reason for a Colorado respite to slink away and write and write and write without end without reason to simply let my silly self spill forth without interruption.  I do know now that it is necessary to experience this world and people and loved ones and obstacles to have something to write about.....I have a enough to last me a lifetime...and some.

God has other plans sometimes though and they always turn out to be better so we'll see what's around the bend..."just keep swimming" (Dori-Finding Nemo)

Sometimes there are moments in time which last for but a short time and enrapture for moments beyond their existence.  All time is but one moment in which we create measures to calculate different portions of it anyways but I do believe that moments carry their own knowledge within themselves.  Time is intelligent.  It whispers to me when a certain one is special.  So had it only been one second it would have carried out just the same.  Time is intelligent and it knows all time.  

I am simply a blade of grass in it but I am beautiful just the same.  Just as that moment was in time.  Just as that moment was in time.

...although...there is... no such... thing... as......... Time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blessings and Time

There is a blessing in every second of time.  Even in my tears and sadness- I have the ability to experience it- the blessing to.  As hard as it can be to let it flow- some of my best poetry arises from it.  Maybe my simple purpose it to share it, that others may know that another has felt this panging of emotions. Well either way I feel the inkling to share it with the world one day soon.  When this semester is over I will begin to compile my poetry from over the years since I've begun writing and once I am done self publish it. 

Spanning over 11 years of my life- I began when I was 13 years old.  Even I am interested to see my own evolution.  Although people may say what they will of any of my works good or bad- it is from where I was at for that time and it aided me in getting through it: whether it was love, depression, heartbreak, anger, resentment, gratitude, friendship, whatever- it is me.  And I've kept each one for the most part and have always dated it.  I look forward to the process of compiling it.

My living situation is soo thankfully balancing out and with it so is my head, my heart, and life.  It's been a very peaceful past couple of days- in one not having any money to go anywhere- not even gas money- but very gratefully I do have the days off which takes away the need for me to borrow money for gas and my bills are paid.  "First Things First"  and I've been able to be here at home and meditate, get my room and home together, finally take out all of my belongings from storage, throw away trash, and donate a box of things to charity.  And be here for my family when they need me and to simply enjoy them as they wonderfully are.  Simply laying on one another's beds and sharing our hearts with one another.  It's so peaceful and natural it's odd, yet it nourishes my soul and being in so many ways.  

I don't know what the future holds for many things...there are some things which I did, but those outcomes can change at any given moment.  I suppose all that matters is I continue on.."one foot in front of the other"  and follow my intuition...which is silent most of the time.  Nature, how I dream of escaping to you.