Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Tonight is one of the first nights and days in a long where I have really done A LOT for me.  My mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self.  On any given day I will usually address at least one of these facets to myself.  Today and here forth I am doing my best to make a conscious effort to do this every waking day.  I must say it feels really good.  

I am able to see where I begin and end- to take care of my personal bubble in this universe.  There are parts of my bubble that could use some repairs, dusting, and shining...but there are also parts that shine and help me to trust.  Willingness has been my key to happiness doors lately and I've been taking what works keeping that and letting go of the things that don't anymore.  

Warm and fuzzies do come when I am an instrument in being of service to the world, while nourishing my soul simultaneously. 

What it all boils down to is...BALANCE:D

May you know of the peace that comes with this too.

Vaya Con Dios,

1 comment:

  1. This is Robert,I must say..You are very connected with the earth and every Aspect of your Life.Energy and spirituality are spoken from your feelings and thoughts.I Admire the honesty and love that u Speak. Love the Passionate mind state! Everything has a meaning to it...
