My brother told me to sit on the grass as he knows how I am. Sure enough I sit on the grass and the conversation became more intense- between this star and I. One day I will attempt to fully describe as humanly possible this wondrous experience. For today the facts. How does one communicate with Stars? Well in a linear sense- TELEPATHICALLY, however it is much better than that.
Main Entry: te·lep·a·thy
Pronunciation: \tə-ˈle-pə-thē\
Function: noun
Date: 1882
: communication from one mind to another by extrasensory means.
Stars know so much more and are much more AWARE of their complete divinity- all of it. Well that communication with them moves me so. They showed me a great vision and it brought me to tears. This is how I know it was real.
And well ever since- 2-3 x's thus far I have ventured outside in the night to sit and speak with them some more. I do make it a point though now to say my hellos and I love you's.